It is impossible to say what will be important in 10 years’ time. That’s why independent research is crucial to ensure that we are prepared.
Matti SällbergProfessor at Karolinska Institutet
• Sweden is a global key player within life science that attracts top talent
• Sweden is a leader within healthcare, putting new knowledge and competence into practice
• The healthcare has a coordinated mission to document relevant information that contributes to a national platform for
research and development
• Sweden is a magnet for life science investments
On this page, you will see an overview of how our foundation is organized and examples of our work and activities.
Visa mer Visa mindreIn our one-pager, you’ll find policy proposals and three key actions to transform the health data into patient benefits.
Research!Sweden conducts opinion polls about the public’s attitude to medical research and healthcare.
In our one-pager, you'll find a summary of our 10 high-priority policy proposals with action plans, aimed at enhancing the benefits of research and development to effectively address future health threats.
Research!Sweden conducts opinion polls about the public’s attitude to medical research and healthcare.
In our report you find statistics about the development and status of the life science-system in Sweden with regards to government investment on research, companies investment in research, cost of healthcare, number of clinical trails and much more.
In our one-pager you can read a summary of what precision health is, the opportunities that lie ahead and what is needed to create an environment conducive to the progress.
In our one-pager you can read a summary about our 10 prioritized policy proposals to better benefit from research and development, to be able to handle future threats to health.
Every year, 110 000 patients suffer injuries in Swedish hospitals, according to statistics from Sweden’s Municipalities and County Councils. A more effective use of healthcare data is required in order to ensure that Sweden’s patients, today and in the future, will be able to receive better and equal care. Read our analyses of the situation (in 2018) and policy proposals in our report.
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Sweden has unique opportunities to turn health data into patient benefits thanks to the social security number system and a population that wants to share its data. In May 2024, the 40 organizations in the think tank “Agenda for Health and Prosperity” presented a new report with three actions to transform health data into patient benefits. See the one-pager here (English) or the full report here (Swedish).
Sweden is facing major challenges in both health and care. We get more efficient prevention, diagnostics, and treatment through research and development, however there are obstacles to unlocking the full potential. In May 2023, Research!Sweden and the organizations within “Agenda for Health and Prosperity” handed over a new report with analysis, proposals and action plans to the government. See the one-pager here (english) or the full report here (english).
Healthcare is facing a paradigm shift. Thanks to precision health, we are able to get better prevention and diagnostics, more effective treatments, increased survival rates and shorter hospital stays.
Read about the possibilities with precision health, as well as the prerequisites that need to be in place to take advantage of progress, in our one-pager. We have made a short movie with 10 examples of ongoing projects within precision health in Sweden. Feel free to watch and share:
Sweden has unique opportunities to turn health data into patient benefits thanks to the social security number system and a population that wants to share its data. In May 2024, the 40 organizations in the think tank “Agenda for Health and Prosperity” presented a new report with three actions to transform health data into patient benefits. See the one-pager here (English) or the full report here (Swedish).
Sweden is facing major challenges in both health and care. We get more efficient prevention, diagnostics, and treatment through research and development, however there are obstacles to unlocking the full potential. In May 2023, Research!Sweden and the organizations within “Agenda for Health and Prosperity” handed over a new report with analysis, proposals and action plans to the government. See the one-pager here (english) or the full report here (english).
Healthcare is facing a paradigm shift. Thanks to precision health, we are able to get better prevention and diagnostics, more effective treatments, increased survival rates and shorter hospital stays.
Read about the possibilities with precision health, as well as the prerequisites that need to be in place to take advantage of progress, in our one-pager. We have made a short movie with 10 examples of ongoing projects within precision health in Sweden. Feel free to watch and share:
Research!Sweden is a non-profit foundation with the mission to inform and raise awareness of the importance of medical research – for health and prosperity. We act as an independent think tank, contributing with factsheets, films, analyses, policy proposals and much more.
• Sweden is a global key player within life science that attracts top talent
• Sweden is a leader within healthcare, putting new knowledge and competence into practice
• The healthcare has a coordinated mission to document relevant information that contributes to a national platform for
research and development
• Sweden is a magnet for life science investments
On this page, you will see an overview of how our foundation is organized and examples of our work and activities.
In our one-pager, you’ll find policy proposals and three key actions to transform the health data into patient benefits.
Research!Sweden conducts opinion polls about the public’s attitude to medical research and healthcare.
In our one-pager, you'll find a summary of our 10 high-priority policy proposals with action plans, aimed at enhancing the benefits of research and development to effectively address future health threats.
Research!Sweden conducts opinion polls about the public’s attitude to medical research and healthcare.
In our report you find statistics about the development and status of the life science-system in Sweden with regards to government investment on research, companies investment in research, cost of healthcare, number of clinical trails and much more.
In our one-pager you can read a summary of what precision health is, the opportunities that lie ahead and what is needed to create an environment conducive to the progress.
In our one-pager you can read a summary about our 10 prioritized policy proposals to better benefit from research and development, to be able to handle future threats to health.
Every year, 110 000 patients suffer injuries in Swedish hospitals, according to statistics from Sweden’s Municipalities and County Councils. A more effective use of healthcare data is required in order to ensure that Sweden’s patients, today and in the future, will be able to receive better and equal care. Read our analyses of the situation (in 2018) and policy proposals in our report.
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