The board

The board of Research!Sweden is responsible for the organization and management of the foundation. Among other things, the board appoints the foundation’s secretary general and has tasked her with overseeing and leading the work at the office in accordance with the board’s guidelines.

Lena Gustafsson (chair)

Professor Emerita at Umeå University, former Vice-Chancellor at Umeå University, member of IVA, and board member of the Heart-Lung Foundation.

Stefan Jacobson (vice chair)

Professor at Karolinska Institutet and former CEO of Danderyds Hospital

Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd

Founder and Secretary General of Research!Sweden, PhD in Medical Innovation & Organization and member of IVA

Anna Martling

Professor of Surgery at Karolinska Institutet and Senior Physician at Karolinska University Hospital.

Tobias Alfvén

Professor of global child health at Karolinska Institutet, pediatrician at Sachsska Children's and Youth Hospital (at Södersjukhuset) and chairman of "Agenda for Health and Prosperity"

Katrine Riklund

Pro-Vice-chancellor at Umeå University, Professor and Senior Physician at the Department of Radiation Sciences, Norrland University Hospital

Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson

Director of Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine, Professor at Lund University and former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University

Björn Odlander

M.D., Founder and Managing partner HealthCap, member of IVA and principal of The Swedish Heart Lung Foundation

Mats Eriksson

Former board chairman of Halland county council and of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) healthcare delegation, Senior public affairs strategist at Reform Society Company.

Bettina Ryll

MD/phD, founder of Melanoma Patient Network Europe and member of the first EU Cancer Mission Board

Ann-Marie Wennberg

Professor, Sahlgrenska Academy, chairman of the National Healthcare Competence Council and member of the National Innovation Council
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